The Famli app

Follow the simple steps below for access to the Famli app in school and at home.

Alongside frequently doing class brain breaks with your class from your portal, the Famli app will help you with:

1 to 1 Emotional Regulation: A child in class is struggling to regulate their emotions and maintain focus. The teacher can use the Famli app to access guided mindfulness or relaxation activities tailored to the child's needs, helping them to calm down and refocus.

Customised Support Plans: Teachers can use the Famli app to support customised support plans for individual students, incorporating specific app activities and interventions to address their unique needs and goals.

Increasing Parental Involvement: The Famli app can serve as a bridge between school and home by providing families who access to have a device at home. Teachers can encourage parents to use the app at home to reinforce skills introduced in the classroom.

Get access to the app in school

Scan the QR code with the device (available on Apple and Google App Stores, for both mobile and tablet devices) or alternatively just search "Famli: Children Wellbeing" on the App Store.

1) Download the Famli app on a school tablet/mobile device.

2) Connect your students to the school device

Each student added to your classroom in your Famli portal has a unique code generated to link them to the Famli app. To get access to a student code, simply click on a student in your classroom. You can then enter this code in your Famli app to add that student to the app.

*See image to see how add multiple students in the Famli app.

Provide access to the app for home

Alongside using brain breaks and the mobile app in school, you can provide access for students at home. To do this, follow the simple steps below:

1) Download all student codes from your classroom in the Famli portal. *Click ‘share student codes’, see image

2) Download the Family Letter below, which is there to inform and inspires parents/guardians

3) Send both documents to your families to provide access the app.

Note: Not all children will have access to a mobile device and be able to use the app at home, hence the Famli app is only meant to act as an additional way to provide pupil wellbeing support and increase your current parental engagement where possible.

You’re all set!

Encourage engagement with the Famli app with our wellbeing calendar and activity cards printout for your classroom. Download it below.

Need more support?

Visit the Famli FAQ’s & Contact Helpdesk for additional support